THEE Spirals
From Types to Modes
Spirals are developed from Typologies by focusing on the contextual values within Types rather than the content-methods.

Types become Modes when the focus is on their practical cumulation and integration. They are best represented and understood by using the plot of the 7 Types on the TET (Typology Essences Table). (Note: A Principal Typology is shown in the diagram: Mode numbers are always the same, but the originating Typenumber varies in the other Typologies.)
Certain values intrinsic to each Type do not clash in the way that the methods do. They are widely recognized and can be accepted (in principle) by all. This is the reason that many people will claim, against the evidence, that they "use all Types." A person or group that becomes able to genuinely value the diverse strengths of each and every Type is sophisticated.
The Modes (= the shareable values of each Type) can be systematically and cumulatively incorporated by a person or group. This is possible because a person forms a value-context internally or recognizes a social context (culture) that permits and even requires all the Types. However, this progressive strengthening of values is not a straightforward process.
Maturation & Strengthening
It takes time to mature or become strong, and the Spiral is the place in THEE where time enters explicitly as a factor.
Modes may be compatible, unlike Types, but they are still different from each other. Research has revealed that a Mode's values can only be properly incorporated by following a particular sequence. The sequence traces out a Spiral trajectory on the TET. This trajectory ensures that each Mode can, in turn, be perceived as necessary, and therefore accepted, assimilated and applied. This Spiral progression for incorporating Modes epitomizes discontinuous change, a common feature of maturational processes.

The sequencing is always the same—see diagram. The Spiral commences in Mode- (μ1) near the central point in the lower R quadrant. It then moves clockwise to take in the central Modes in Cycle-1. The trajectory re-enters the initial quadrant mid-way. It then continues in Cycle-2 to include the extreme Modes and ends by continuing again to the lower R quadrant, now at the extreme lower R corner.
Each move to a new Mode (μ) is a Stage (Φ in real time during which different values are spontaneously pressing for recognition. In their absence, stagnation or turmoil will potentially trumpet the need for new thinking.
When values from all Modes are installed and taken for granted, maturation is complete. This sophisticated capacity in relation to a basic need is about effectiveness: it does not equate to being stress-free or reflect utopian perfection.
Examples worked out in detail are available:
Discontinuity Stresses
Establishing new values in any human system (person, organization, society), however self-strengthening, can be a difficult process. Old values never vanish or get entirely forgotten: they are maintained and enfolded within a new, necessary and more sophisticated pattern.
The difficulty in growth and maturation is that (as we all know) many transitions involving values are personally stressful and/or socially challenging.
- Transitions via the red arrow demand an apparent retreat from the social goal.
Transitions via the green arrow demand a growth in awareness of self and others.
Transitions via the blue arrow require an acceptance of greater responsibility.
- Transitions via the purple arrow occur easily because the absence of new values means that there is no discontinuity in the transition.
For a more detailed account of mode transitions, see the investigation in the Architecture Room.
- More on maturation in practice.
Originally posted: August 2009; Last updated 24-Jan-2014.